
Unison – the software that simplifies semiconductor test

Unison is a complete test program development environment, developed specifically to provide a full suite of tools for test development through production test.

Unison supports industry standards wherever possible, including STDF, RITdB, SECS/GEM and TEMS among others.

Test programs are developed using a combination of powerful graphical tools and a rich C++ API.

Cohu Unison Semiconductor ATE Software

Unison simplifies test by providing a library of proven Test Methods and Built-in functions covering all the tests and activities needed for the majority of test challenges. It is easily extensible to incorporate your specific test methodologies and requirements.

Scalability is fundamental to the Unison philosophy. Multi-site is incorporated from the lowest level of the system, and going from single-site engineering development to massive-multi-site production deployment is a simple process.

  • Object oriented, device centric programing
  • Extensive Test method Libraries
  • Multi-site inherent to design
  • Intuitive, visual debugging tools

Unison is truly cross platform.  It is fully supported on five hardware platforms today (X-Series, PAx, Diamond, Diamondx, DxV), and the exact same software download is used on all of them.  Writing a single test program to encompass different test stages on different cost-optimized hardware platforms is very straightforward.  This common language makes it easy to leverage training and experience for staff flexibility, and to optimize your test system usage. All this means you can develop and deploy programs across a range of test systems in your facilities or at your preferred OSAT partner. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) drives the Unison design.

Unison Supported Test Systems

Instruments of the same type are programmed the same way on all hardware types, ensuring rapid deployment of new hardware upgrades. New capabilities can be added with confidence that Unison program portability ensures fastest time to production.

Your investment in your test IP, encapsulated in Test Method and library development, is substantial.

With Unison you can quickly and easily make this IP available across your product life-cycle and on multiple instruments and hardware platforms.

Unison is designed to ensure maximum throughput in production. The software is designed with optimal parallelism in mind.  It also supports advanced test techniques such as:

  • Concurrent Test
  • Adaptive Test
  • Automatic site activation
  • High parallel test efficiency

Unison helps you control the production program from the design and development center. Test Program Release Association (TPRA) allows you to control the software configuration each program uses to allow you to manage change with confidence.

By including the qualified software configuration with each test program shipped to production you are in full control of the quality of product you ship.

Unison supports industry standards wherever possible to fit well into the factory, and help you deliver zero defect product with confidence.  These standards include:

  • STDF
  • RITdB
  • TEMS
  • Other SEMI standards for substrate maps, etc.
Cohu Semiconductor ATE


Learn more about our Semiconductor ATE Solutions